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cellms Visuals

Customerescape Germany
TagsData visualization, CI, Logo, Three.js

cellms is a web based system for content management, e-commerce, digital marketing and online processes. Through its modular architecture it can be both used for technically quite simple websites as well as complex and powerful digital platforms.

Inspired by natural patterns like molecular structures and honeycombs we investigated different structural principles which could serve as a metaphor for the modularity of the system.

cellms integriert die Vielfalt der Funktionen im Online-Bereich in nur einem System.

Angepasst für jede Ausgabegröße – Die cellms-Website. "Mobile First" natürlich.

Modulare Gestaltung einzelner Bereiche (Widgets). Hier wird der logische Aufbau des CMS schon im Screendesign verankert.

Smarty – just another template engine?

{addHeadLib name="threeJs"}
{addHeadLib name="tween"}
{addHeadLib name="colladaLoader"}

{script src="universeVisual.js"}

	var celluniverseLabels = [...];
	var celluniverseLabels = [
		{foreach $celluniverseInfos as $element}
				label: '{$element.label}',
				categories: [{','|implode:$element.categories}],
				link: '{$element.landingpage_uri}'

	var celluniverse = new cellms.fn.universe('cell-universe-el', celluniverseCategories, celluniverseLabels);

<div id="cell-universe-el"></div>

cellms integriert die Vielfalt der Funktionen im Online-Bereich in nur einem System.